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Grace Mutoko

University of Pennsylvania , Kenya, Class of (2010)


Business & Information Systems (STSC)/ Legal Studies

Current Occupation

Technical Analyst within Risk & Finance IT


My work involves facilitating various business engineering processes that deliver IT solutions to internal clients. Part of that includes working with developers to create new applications, to redesign data flow architecture for re-routing of feeds as well as to automate various risk calculation and data analysis processes. On the side, I am working with a few friends to design a platform for my division, that will host all our core application systems and update their standing in real time.

Beyond that I have been running a corporate mentorship program in Baruch College, NY alongside two workmates. The program provides a whole suite of activities, including high level training in finance/ technology.

I also enjoy mentoring the younger Zawadi class at Penn and participating in various alumni efforts at the North east chapters of Alpha Delta Pi.

Church is very important to me and I’ve had the sheer luck to find a church community that is so passionate about serving the world over. We have yearly missions to Kenya and this year I’m helping plan the next trip to Rehema children’s home.


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