Mary Mutua, Carthage College Class of 2015

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    • 2016-03-08

Carthage College asked its graduates how they have changed over the past four years. Our Zawadi scholar and Carthage class of 2015 candidate, Mary Mutua had this to say:

“The last four years have been incredible. I have been transformed. I came in as a very quiet freshman, but I am leaving a very confident young woman who is ready to transform the world. I discovered myself and found my voice and I am ready to use it. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend Carthage College. It has been a beautiful home far away from home. The knowledge that I acquired from here will forever be part of me. Thank you Carthage College community for everything and congratulations to my fellow graduates.”

– Mary Mutua, Zawadi Scholar                                                                                                              Carthage Class of 2015


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